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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 20-188
Draft Tariff Filing, Customer Specific Entitlement posted on Nov 17 2020 12:42PM

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  N
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE
Notice Type Desc:  OTHER
Post D/T:  11/17/2020 12:42 PM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  11/17/2020 12:42 PM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  Respond by specified date and time
Rsp D/T:  11/17/2020 12:42 PM 

Notice ID:  20-188
Prior Notice:  
Subject:  Draft Tariff Filing, Customer Specific Entitlement

Notice Text:

Northwest offers its customers an opportunity to review its major tariff filings prior to filing them with

FERC. Northwest asks that you provide any comments or concerns on or before November 24, so

Northwest can respond prior to the filing being submitted to FERC. Please direct comments and concerns

to Bela Patel (713-215-2659, or Jennifer Rowan (713-215-4217,


Northwest plans to make a tariff filing to revise Sections 14.6 and 15.3 of the General Terms & Conditions

of Northwest’s Tariff to modify the customer-specific entitlement mechanism to allow Northwest to

entitle specific Receiving Parties whose actions are causing operational concerns. Northwest proposes to

modify the tariff language to allow Northwest to declare a customer-specific unauthorized overrun or

underrun entitlement for any Receiving Party who has contributed to the adverse operating condition in

its zone or Operational Impact Area (“OIA”) for at least two consecutive days and whose actual measured

deliveries have deviated from scheduled deliveries for the previous Gas Day by the greater of 10,000

dekatherms or 5 percent. A Receiving Party will no longer be subject to the customer-specific entitlement

only after the system’s integrity has been restored or Northwest has issued a general system Declared

Entitlement Period for the same zone or OIA where the Receiving Party is located. This modification

provides Northwest the ability to declare entitlements upon the Receiving Party contributing to the

adverse operating condition rather than implementing a general system wide entitlement, which affects

Receiving Parties who are not contributing to the adverse operating condition. 


A draft copy of the proposed filing is available on Northwest's website under Regulatory/Proposed Tariff

Filings at the following link:  (click 'Regulatory,' then

'Proposed Tariff Filings').

