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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 19-030
Jackson Prairie update posted on Feb 11 2019 7:37PM

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  Y
Notice Stat Desc:  SUPERSEDE
Notice Type Desc:  STORAGE
Post D/T:  02/11/2019 7:37 PM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  02/11/2019 7:37 PM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  No response required
Rsp D/T:  

Notice ID:  19-030
Prior Notice:  19-029
Subject:  Jackson Prairie update

Notice Text:

Puget Sound Energy, operator for the Jackson Prairie storage facility, has informed Northwest that the 
repairs to a critical compressor unit, which was referenced in All Shipper Notice 19-029, will not be 
completed until sometime in March.   As a result of the outage, the current design deliverability 
capacity, based on the decline curve using the current inventory level of approximately 10 Bcf, is 
500,000 Dth/d, which is a reduction of approximately 250,000 Dth/d.

As a result of the compressor failure, the decline curve actual percentages will be steeper than the curve 
described in the Jackson Prairie and Northwest tariffs, providing that for every one percent a storage 
holder's working gas inventory is below 60 percent of that storage holder's storage capacity, the storage 
holder's withdrawal rights decrease by 2 percent.

For example, once the working gas inventory drops below 8.5 Bcf the deliverability capacity will be 
approximately 200,000 Dth/d, which is a reduction of 300,000 Dth/d based on the decline curve or 
approximately 3 percent for every percent below the 60 percent threshold.
Jackson Prairie has committed to providing Northwest with the actual deliverability capacity available 
each morning which Northwest will post on the DOR. Northwest will evaluate the total quantity it can 
schedule based on nomination requests and operational conditions on the pipeline during each 
nomination cycle.

As stated in All Shipper Notice 19-024, Northwest will only allow Jackson Prairie PostID nominations, 
including those to clear up entitlement penalties, if there are unutilized withdrawal rights at JP and if it 
does not negatively impact Northwest's storage account. However, to the extent that Northwest's 
Jackson Prairie storage account is above 900,000 Dth Northwest will also allow customers to utilize the 
PostID nomination cycle to realign their supplies into their account as long as it does not drop 
Northwest's balance below this stated amount. 

Please contact your Marketing Services Representative or the Northwest Pipeline Hotline at (801) 584-
7301 if you have any questions.