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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 19-016
Overrun Entitlement Update Declared Stage II (8%) posted on Feb 4 2019 6:58PM

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  Y
Notice Stat Desc:  SUPERSEDE
Notice Type Desc:  OTHER
Post D/T:  02/04/2019 6:58 PM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  02/04/2019 6:58 PM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  No response required
Rsp D/T:  

Notice ID:  19-016
Prior Notice:  19-014
Subject:  Overrun Entitlement Update Declared Stage II (8%)

Notice Text:

Due to continued forecasted colder than normal weather and to maintain 
system integrity, Northwest is changing the Stage III (13%) Overrun 
Entitlement for all Receiving Parties north of the 
Kemmerer compressor station to a Stage II (8%) Overrun Entitlement 
beginning gas day Wednesday, February 06, 2019 until further notice.
If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Services 
Representative or the Scheduling Hotline at (801) 584-7301.