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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 18-085
Interruptible Service at JP Unavailable and Notice to Vacate posted on Sep 4 2018 8:57AM

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  Y
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE
Notice Type Desc:  STORAGE
Post D/T:  09/04/2018 8:57 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  09/04/2018 8:57 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  Respond by specified date and time
Rsp D/T:  09/04/2018 8:57 AM 

Notice ID:  18-085
Prior Notice:  
Subject:  Interruptible Service at JP Unavailable and Notice to Vacate

Notice Text:

Effective gas day September 6, 2018 and until further notice, 
Northwest Pipeline will not accept injection requests for interruptible 
storage at its Jackson Prairie Storage Facility. In addition, all 
interruptible storage holders at Jackson Prairie with inventory in the 
storage facility must bring their balances to zero by the end of gas 
day September 13, 2018.

Northwest would also like to remind its shippers to check the Park and 
Loan availability posted each morning on Northwest's web site at

Please contact your Marketing Services Representative or the Northwest 
Pipeline Hotline at 713-215-6301 if you have any questions.