TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322
Critical: Y
Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE
Notice Type Desc: OTHER
Post D/T: 07/16/2023 9:55 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T: 07/16/2023 9:55 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:
Notice ID: 23-139
Prior Notice: 23-124
Subject: Stage II 8% Underrun Entitlement Lifted; Underrun Entitlement Warning Reinstated
Notice Text:
Effective Gas Day Monday, July 17, 2023, Northwest is lifting
the Stage II (8%) Declared Entitlement Period for unauthorized
underrun volumes, which was issued in All Shipper’s Notice 23-
124, for all Receiving Parties north of the Kemmerer Compressor
Station, and reinstating an Underrun Entitlement warning for
all Receiving Parties north of the Kemmerer Compressor Station
until further notice.
Northwest has limited balancing flexibility with Jackson
Prairie being at 92% full capacity and physical injections
limited to ~120,000 Dt/d for the entire facility. On the south
end of the system, Northwest is subject to injection
constraints at the Clay Basin facility and currently is
averaging less than 50,000 Dt/d injection success. These two
factors severely limit Northwest’s ability to absorb banked gas
on the system. In lifting the Stage II Declared Underrun
Entitlement and replacing with the Underrun Entitlement
warning, Northwest urges shippers to balance their supply and
demand needs judiciously to minimize the risk of having to
revert back to the more restrictive entitlement state.
As a reminder and pursuant to Section 14(c) of its Tariff,
customer-specific entitlements may be issued to Receiving
Parties that:
1) have contributed to the adverse operating conditions for
at least two consecutive days; and
2) whose actual measured deliveries have deviated from
scheduled deliveries for the previous Gas Day by the greater of
10,000 Dth or 5 percent.
If you have any questions, please call your Commercial Services
Representative or the hotline at 713-215-6301.