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Capacity Release Transactional Report

TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 067977322
K Holder Name: IGI Resources, Inc. K Holder: 194290953
Svc Req K: 143035 K Holder Prop: 24
Rate Sch: TF-1 K Stat Desc: Amended
Amend Eff Date: 02/28/2021 Amend Reason Code: Recall
Svc Req Cat: LARGE CUSTOMER Reg Auth: 18 CFR 284.223
Inc Exp Cust: N Repl SR Roll Ind: Other
K Qty - K: Affil Desc: None
Amend Rptg Desc: All Data Post Date: 02/26/2020
K Beg Date: 03/01/2021 Post Time: 15:54
K End Date: 10/31/2021 K Ent Beg Date: 03/01/2021
K Ent End Date: 11/01/2021 K Ent Beg Time: 9:00AM
K Ent End Time: 9:00AM Rel Beg Cycle: Timely
RAPP Desc: No All Re-rel Desc: Y
Perm Rel Desc: Capacity is not being permanently released
Prev Rel Desc: Offer does not contain any capacity which was previously released.    
Recall/Reput Desc: Capacity recallable and reput must be taken by replacement shipper Recall Notif Timely: Yes
Bus Day Ind: N Recall Notif EE: Yes
Releaser Name: Intermountain Gas Company Recall Notif Eve: Yes
Releaser: 181912262 Recall Notif ID1: No
Rel K: 142982 Recall Notif ID2: No
Releaser Prop: 510 Recall Notif ID3: No
Recall Notif Cond: N
OFO Ind: N Offer No: 36928
Disc Beg Date: Disc End Date:
Min Vol Pct: N/A IBR Ind: N
Subord Rights Ind: N

Contract Locations


Loc Prop

Loc Name

Loc/QTI Desc

K Qty - Loc

Loc K Min Press

KERN RIVER MUDDY CREEK DELIV. Delivery Point(s) Quantity
STANFIELD RECEIPT Receipt Point(s) Quantity
PLYMOUTH LNG RECEIPT Receipt Point(s) Quantity
There are no delivery point MDDO's specific to this service agreement. Transportation deliveries shall be at or near the points described in Shipper's related currently effective service agreement under Rate Schedule TF-1.

Loc K Press Terms/Notes


Contract Rates

Res Rate Basis Desc: Per Day Surchg Ind Desc: Rate(s) stated include all applicable surcharges; surcharge detail provided; no surcharge total provided
Max Trf Rate Ref Desc: Tariff

Disc Terms/Notes


Capacity Recalled

Beg Date

End Date

Recall Notification

Loc Prop

Loc/QTI Descreption

Recall K Qty

03/01/2021 10/31/2021 Timely STANFIELD RECEIPT Receipt Point(s) Quantity
03/01/2021 10/31/2021 Timely KERN RIVER MUDDY CREEK DELIV. Delivery Point(s) Quantity
03/01/2021 10/31/2021 Timely PLYMOUTH LNG RECEIPT Receipt Point(s) Quantity





Exhibit A: Contract Details

   Yes - See Contract Detail

Exhibit B: Non-Conforming Provisions


Exhibit C: Facility Reimbursement Obligation


Exhibit D: Negotiated Rate Provisions


Exhibit E: Buy-Out Provisions





1 If the rate displayed on the posting for Max Rate and Rate Charged are equal, then the contract is subject to the currently effective maximum tariff rate, unless otherwise identified in a footnote. To verify the current maximum tariff rate, please refer to Northwest's tariff.