Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #29565 Draft Tariff Filing  Realignment Shippers Unutilized MDQ (Revised) posted on May 12 2020 9:18AM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: N Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE Notice Type Desc: OTHER Post D/T: 05/12/2020 9:18 AM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 05/12/2020 9:18 AM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 20-056 Prior Notice: 20-051 Subject: Draft Tariff Filing  Realignment Shippers Unutilized MDQ (Revised) Notice Text:  

After receiving feedback from Shippers, Northwest has revised its proposed tariff filing mentioned in All Shippers

Letter #20-051 relating to a Realignment Shipper’s unutilized MDQ pursuant to Section 14.15(d)(iii) of the General

Terms and Conditions of the Tariff.  Under the proposed change, Northwest is reducing the number of exceptions

from four to two.  In addition, Northwest will provide shippers the flexibility in the nomination process to determine

which shipper will receive the credit towards their unutilized MDQ when a downstream gas supply is transported to a

downstream non-associated pool.


The revised Tariff filing is available on Northwest's website under Regulatory/Proposed Tariff 

Filings at the following link: 'Regulatory,' then 

'Proposed Tariff Filings'). 


In addition, an updated presentation diagramming and explaining the two exceptions mentioned in the proposed

 tariff language is available on Northwest’s website under Other at the following link:  (click ‘Other’, then ‘Realignment Shippers Unutilized 

MDQ Scenarios (Revised)’ located under Shipper Advisory Board).


Please direct comments and concerns to Mike Rasmuson (801-584-7278) or Dave Madsen (801-584-6864) on or

before May 19, 2020.
